Monday, February 22, 2010

Making a List

So I'm trying this new time management thing.  Today is really day 1.  So far I'm not so much managing my time better as spending it better.  A lot more has gotten accomplished today, but that's pretty much just a manic fit.  I did not get an hour-by-hour schedule created, but I did make a list of the things I wanted to accomplish in any given day.  The list goes like this:
1.  Unload/load the dishwasher
2.  Wash, dry, & put away one load of laundry
3.  Spend 1 hour on homework/studying
4.  Read a big stack of books to my boys
5.  Make 1 room bearable to live in.
6.  Make dinner

And the crazy thing is, I accomplished it!  It is 3:15 in the afternoon, and all of the things listed are done.  Of course, this probably means that I don't have an ambitious enough list.  But it's sadly a lot more than I get done with no list.  

And speaking of lists, I am currently on the search of resources to tell me what my daily routines should look like.  Today I turned to Martha Stewart.  Her site has a plethora of checklists for daily, weekly, etc., chores that, if done, will leave your home looking like hers.  OK, maybe not, but it's worth a shot.

I was also referred to  This site offers a month's worth of "BabySteps" to kick start your home organization.  Step 1:  Shine the sink.  I have done 3 loads of laundry, 2 loads of dishes, and cleaned 2 rooms, but I have not accomplished shining the sink yet.  I have an hour and a half of "work day" left, I think it will take that entire time to gather up the courage to shine the sink.  Time to stop blogging and start shining, I suppose.  

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