Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My New Friend, White Vinegar

A month or two ago, my dishwasher ran out of Jet Dry.  I totally forgot about adding more, until my dishes starting coming out like this: 

Yeah, it's really gross.  What's grosser?  That was a month or two ago.  On Sunday I finally did something about it.

Now don't get me wrong, I half-heartedly tried.  I added Jet Dry, I changed detergents, but the fact is once that stuff is on there, it ain't coming back off without some elbow grease.  OR vinegar!

Yes, while looking up how to clean cloudy dishes, I discovered that vinegar can do pretty much anything.  I read a lot of books about frugal living, and pretty much all of them mention vinegar at some point or another, but I had no idea!  First of all, behold the awesomeness of using it to clean cloudy dishes:

I soaked the dishes in a sink full of vinegar water (about 1 cup of white vinegar to a sink of hot water) then ran a sponge over them and let them air dry.  Who knew?!  Well, probably my grandma.  But not me!  Now this is also super convenient for me because I have been trying to get away from using a lot of chemicals in my house.  I bought some of that "all natural" all purpose cleaner made by one of those big name cleaner companies.  Then I went on this big "keep the house clean" kick and realized how fast one really goes through a bottle of all purpose cleaner.  Now I've realized that I can keep the house clean all the time naturally without breaking the bank.  I got 2 gallons of white vinegar at Sam's Club for about the same price as one bottle of all purpose cleaner at the store.  Then I bought a $0.98 spray bottle at the store and can now create my own all purpose, all natural cleaner.  It's amazing!  Apparently there are a million and one things you can do with vinegar.  My favorite resource for vinegar goodness is The Vinegar Institute.  Here's another good article about the great ways to use vinegar.  So go out and buy some vinegar, and you'll probably never have to buy anything else again!  (OK...  maybe a slight exaggeration, but you never know...)

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